Say hello to Humantic AI!

3 reasons why you will love Humantic AI

Highest accuracy in the category

In this research study by renowned I/O psychologist Dr. Tom Janz, Humantic AI scores show significantly higher correlation with observed behavior compared to Crystal. Users who compare both products confirm the results of the study.

Full Product Suite

Humantic AI’s product suite includes much more than just a chrome extension. From native calendar and email integrations to a personality dashboard for bulk analysis, Humantic AI is better equipped to help salespeople throughout the sales funnel. Additionally, its omnichannel enrichment will make your existing workflows richer and more effective.


We know that personality insights provide tremendous value, but we also know that they provide different value to different users. So we offer our users the option to pick from pricing plans ranging from $16 to $50 per month, instead of giving them one 'take it or leave it' pricing like Crystal.

Users of Personality AI rate Crystal at ~30* out of 100 on satisfaction, while Humantic AI is rated ~80 on the same scale. See the live grid here.

Users of both Humantic AI and Crystal rate Crystal at around 30/100 on “satisfaction”,while Humantic AI is rated above 70/100. Here is a screengrab from G2's live grid as of 11/23/2022.

Head-to-head comparison according to users

Here’s a head-to-head comparison of Crystal vs Humantic AI
on G2, where Humantic AI leads on every single attribute.
One could say there is almost no comparison.

Head-to-head comparison of Crystal vs Humantic AI on the peer review site G2, which reveals that Humantic AI leads on every single attribute, one could say there is almost no comparison

* Snapshot as of 24/06/2024

Humantic AI VS Crystal Knows

Top Features

G2 Quadrant High Performer Niche Player
G2 Satisfaction 78/100 31/100
G2 Rating 4.9 G2 rating of Humantic AI 4.5 G2 rating of Crystal
Chrome Store Rating 4.6 Chrome store rating of Humantic AI 4 Chrome store rating of Crystal
Types Of Personality 36 16
Omnichannel Enrichment Yes No
Bulk Analysis Yes No
1-Click Personalization Yes No
Buying Committee Insights Yes Yes(called Playbooks)
Profile View Limit Unlimited 50 per month
Pricing (Business) $45 per month $59 per month
Pricing (Individual) $16+ per month $99 per month

Detailed Comparison

General Communication Advice Yes Yes
Sales Specific Advice Yes Yes
Hiring Specific Advice Yes No
Advanced Insights For Recruiters, Salespeople None
Interests Yes No
Email Personalization Yes Yes
DISC Assessment Yes Yes
DISC Scores Yes No
Big Five Assessment Yes Yes
Big Five Scores Yes No
Enneagram Assessment No Yes
16-Personality Assessment No Yes
Behavioral Assessment Yes No

For Recruiters

Ideal Candidate Personas Yes No
Candidate Shortlisting Support Yes No
Full Personality Assessment Yes No
Team Analysis Coming Soon Yes

Supported Input Methods

Source : Linkedin Yes Yes
Source : Resume Yes Yes
Source : Text Yes Yes
Source : Twitter Yes No
Source : Email ID Yes No
Source : Manual Test No Yes

Beyond The Product

API Availability Yes Limited
Science Advisory Board Yes No
Research Validation Yes No
Prediction Accuracy High Medium

* Complete validation studies have not been done for other languages.

Disclaimer: This page is best to our knowledge and subjected to recent updates. In case of any discrepancies please email us on

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